Philip Dunne

Philip Dunne's Constituency Survey

Recycling Centres Survey


Philip Dunne would like to hear the views of constituents in South Shropshire.

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Recycling Survey

How often do you use recycling centres at Bridgnorth/Craven Arms/Shrewsbury/Telford? 

Shropshire Council is proposing to reduce access to Recycling Centres. Which of their proposals do you support?

How far (round trip) does it take you to access the Recycling Centre at:

a: Bridgnorth

b: Craven Arms

If your local Recycling Centre were to be closed when you wanted to visit, how far (round trip) would you have to go to an alternative centre (assuming they remain open)?
Distance to Alternative Centre
If your local Recycling Centre were to close or only be open when inconvenient to you, would you be prepared to pay to visit another Centre in an adjacent county?
Telford & Wrekin
Shropshire Council is consulting on charging £1 a week for Green waste collection. Do you propose:

In order to see a balanced response from constituents, please indicate which party you supported at the last General Election 2019:

Which party do you currently intend to support at the impending General Election 2024?

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Email Updates
Promoted by Jane Gibson on behalf of Philip Dunne both of 54 Broad Street, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1GP